It was a cold and rainy spring break, and the clouds billowed as if it might snow...
Well, not really, but it sounded like a Charlie Brown book, right?
It was spring break. The kids and I started cleaning out closets, the first item on our list of projects. Me included...ICK! The phone was ringing, sometimes both my cell and the home phone at the same time! I had to send files and make approvals and clean out my work e-mail because it would get full from
one day of inattention...arrrrggghhhh!
I was going CRAZY. I just wanted a break. The kids deserved me for a day or two!
So...Tuesday night, Steph and I decided to run away with 3 of our 4 children - my 2, and one of hers! What was close and we could still get a hotel for, and one of us could play tour guide? Washington, DC! (A very BIG thanks to Steph for being spontaneous and a great tour guide!)
The cherry blossoms were in
full bloom and the weather was great. Megan did not remember having gone when we were coming home a few years back from the Outer Banks, when it was over 100 degrees in the shade.
It was fun! We toured the Capitol, went to the the Natural History Museum, visited the monuments - Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln, WWII (new since I had been there), Korean War (that was so cool!), and Vietnam. We toured the Botanical Gardens. And, as a special treat - the President himself came in for a landing, right on the White House lawn, as we were gawking at Marine One flying low over the Washington Monument. Well, we
thought it was him, anyway...
The Awakening was such a neat thing to see and something I would have never found without Steph's fantastic knowledge of the area! We rode the Metro into town , about a 40 minute ride. Oh....lest I forget, Ian met a reliever from the Nationals Team as we visited Union Square!
At the end of an exhausting day (yes - we fit 99% of that in one day), the kids even had a little pool time at our hotel in Woodbridge, booked not even 24 hours before. :) Spontaneous travel, you know I love it!
So, Friday we treated ourselves to the Potomac Mills mall and some relaxation before heading home. Definitely back to the grind this week!
PS - Congratulations goes to MOMMY DEAREST for posting her first comment, ever...good job!