Monday, April 03, 2006

Trying Again!

Okay folks, this is round two. I'm not really sure why, but I can no longer be the owner of the last blog site I started...I think it has something to do with forgetting passwords and other such trite pieces of knowledge.
So, in this process I have learned that, contrary to my own belief, a BLOG is for one person to write, and others to read and comment as they see fit (thank you big sis for that bit of instruction).
Now, in order to post a comment, you have to log in as a blogger and post a comment. That is the only way it will save. I say this so that some of you will not be frustrated and try again. If you don't succeed...
Anyway, as usual, life is a whirlwind! Good things have been happening all around me and it's exciting to see what tomorrow will bring, rather than dreading it. As a quick dear friend Pat and her friend Joyce so joyfully adopted my home and stepped right in to make a huge difference in how I feel when I get home each day. It is amazing what a change of scenery can do for someone. And just having someone understand what I am dealing with on a regular basis is comforting. Though we are still a work in progress, you can see how much warmer everything is! I am so grateful to them and for their help and guidance, and for just doing it! And to Maria's friends George and Rhoda, who came and hung new light fixtures, which really changed the atmosphere. Thanks to all because I could have NEVER pulled off something like that. These are amazingly gifted and talented people who have generously come to my rescue!
I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all, and then came the kids' spring break. Though I thought I could spend the time at home doing projects...well...I am going to end here so that I don't go on and more about a surprise trip on the next post!


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