Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sweet innocence

There is a small list of things that are high on my list of those special things in life. Blue sky, matched with 75 degrees and a light breeze. Music playing in the background, music I know the words to. Ocean breezes. A cat nap. Friends. Being spontaneous. Seeing the world from a different perspective.
Watching my own children sleep.
But even over the top of all of that are those moments that you catch your child sleeping, and both of their arms are up over their head. To me this is freedom. Not a care in the world. True restful and trusting sleep. It doesn't happen often...but when it does, I am reminded of a peace like no other. I have pictures of the kids when they were babies, sleeping in this state. I cherish them.
The weekend brought about some changes in my family that I wasn't expecting. I wasn't ready for them, not necessarily yet. But that is the way that changes come, and we have to embrace them and see what is next.
Without going into great detail, it marked the end of some innocence in my youngest. Things she knew but didn't have confirmation for (as to the truth about certain characters in this world). Things she didn't know that had to be explained. Things this world has shown her...through what channels I am not sure, but it's out there, more than we moms want to admit.
She was angry about some of it, surprised by some of it, and disappointed in me for "lying" to her. Since it all occurred in one night (thanks big brother!) it was a bit of an emotional roller coaster for the 3 of us! Although it all had to be said at some point, somehow I thought it would be later!
Either way, over the next couple of days, I was questioning how it all happened, wondering if I did the right thing, worried that her intelligent mind would be corrupted. Saddened by her loss of innocence.
And then...I found her that very next night, exhausted as I felt, asleep...with both arms in the air...and just for a moment, I was reminded that her delicate innocence is still there... it's just in a different form, and everything would be just fine.


Blogger Bill said...

I join your Mom in agreement with the beauty with which you write and your tender love for your children which I've not just read about but very much observed! You're a wonderful Mummy! Times like these that you described are when we grow closest to our kids. They aren't easy but they can see your true love and concern for them. They don't care as much how much you know as much as they want to know how much you care. You are a delight to us...even clear over here.
B & P

Sat Apr 15, 04:21:00 PM 2006  

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