Yes, that's right. Today we are going to experience a day in the life of my commute.
I am not sure where things went wrong. I mean, we all go through it. We turn 16, eager to get our license, shoved back down by our caring and over-protective parents, forced to go to driving school, forced to drive in one of those cars with brakes on both sides (do they still do that????) and generally motivated to get through the most boring class...driver's ed.
I, for one, was forced into it for what seemed like longer than most. My father was not about to let me get anyway near the paved paradise of American on anything but my 10 speed bike when I turned 16. We practiced. I went to driver's ed. I backed in and out of our driveway. I practiced maneuverability in the Heath High School parking lot (I still don't remember why we did it there) until my dad LITERALLY got carsick. I couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about, and I was getting anxious and irritated. I mean, come on! Just because the driving instructor had to use that little brake on their side multiple times didn't mean I wasn't ready! Just because I got C's on the driving practice (those were the only C's I got in my life, except for gym class!) didn't mean I couldn't handle the new privilege of driving!!
Well now, some years later, I am very grateful for all of that extra practice. All that time spent pouring over the books about the road signs and the "what to do in case of"...the actual rite of passage - driving through downtown Newark around the square without coming dangerously close to hurting someone...those were all important experiences that have led me to where I am today - an experienced, aware, defensive driver who has learned over the years that it really is a privilege and should be treated that way.
The unfortunate side of that is that I am keenly aware of those that are not cut of the same cloth. In reality, it seems the vast majority of commuters are only in it for themselves. They don't think about consequences until there is glass in shards across the road, lanes shut down for miles because of their mistake, mini-vans crushed with kid's carseats hanging out the back.
Lately I have noticed that the traffic has been lighter, which has been a blessing for me but I know it spells bad news when discussing economy and unemployment. However, I have found that the ones left on the road STILL have much to learn...
You see, that thing called MERGE is rather important. It involves understanding what the other person is thinking, which is not in the skillset of the general public. I will not go into gender classification at this point, since I see that the disease is now rampant amongst both the males and females.
Merge does NOT mean "hurry up and get on the highway before that car gets near". Nope, you should slow down and wait for an appropriate opening, even if that means stopping. They do it in big cities - they even use those little red and green lights to tell you if it's okay to enter! Oh, by the way, if you don't use a turn signal, now would be a good time to start. I can't read your mind!
By the same token, if I am in the regular lane and see someone trying to merge (and can reasonably get over) it does NOT mean "ooooo let's torture that soul and see if I can mess with them, trying to get on the highway! I am going to make them wait!" It also does NOT mean turn up the radio louder so you can't "see" what is going on, and it does NOT mean talk on the cell phone so you are just in general a hazard, swerving all over the road.
And, by the same token, if you are in the passing lane - PASS!!!!!! and get over! Do not cruise the passing lane and think "well, I am going fast enough. the guy behind me does not need to go faster!~" This is not healthy thinking. Just get over and deal with it.
The big irritation is on my drive home. Going from Easton Way to 270 North should not present major challenges, but it does. Why you would ever place 2 turn lanes at a traffic light that merge into one during rush hour is someone's idea of a sick joke. Do you really believe any of us ever got past kindergarten?? You mean we have to SHARE??? Seriously...people get in one lane or the other and figure that they own that part. I for one have a personal vendetta with people on the left side not putting their turn signal on. They just assume I know they want in. AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!
Here is another good one. Coming up 270 from the South, you see one of these:
What in the world? Whose fancy idea was that? Cars going 85-90 miles an hour in 2 lanes separated by a median are supposed to become one??? For real? Maybe if we could learn to do that, marriages would start staying together. Who knows. What I do know is even though I try to avoid that lane, I inevitably end up in it because the chicken farm truck is in the regular lane and the "I gotta have my smoke, coffee and talk with my g-friend on the phone" is in the next lane, so I am forced to do the passing.
I am sure at this point you are not sure whether to laugh or cry. I know I'm not sure. However, I have vented for the it's time for bed.
Next post will be the happiness surrounding Valentine's Day. I told you I would get around to it eventually. :)