Saturday, February 16, 2008

Oh no...pneumonia!!!

Wow, I feel like life just passed me by the last week or so.

You see, it had surrounded me. I always think there is an escape. I don't GET SICK. I don't have time, I am strong, and I have 2 children who depend on me! Sickness is just not an option. I am really great with a can of Lysol, with washing hands (and washing others' hands!) and just in general - styaing well.

Sometimes, just every few immunity dips for some reason or another. Then I kick in the Airborne treatments every 3 hours and usually, I get through whatever it is in 24-36 hours or so.

This time, that was not the case, unfortunately. Everyone around me had been sick - at work, at home, in the band and at church. My friend's kids. Jeepers, not sure which time it got me, but it got me good!

I boarded a plane bound for NYC a week ago Tuesday. As I climbed aboard, I noticed a tiny tickle in my throat. No big deal, I thought, after all it was a rainy day and I had dashed to my car at least 3 times and gotten soaked, trying to retrieve my ID to be able to board the plane! (I had left it in the car at the most inopportune time!).

By the time we had reached the NYC airspace, the captain announced that we would be circling for a while to allow the LaGuardia traffic to ease a bit. By now, I was feeling a little strange. The tickle was making me cough a little. My eyes felt tired, like I had been in the sun. I was very warm and even asked the flight attendant to turn off the heat!

Then I deplaned, got my luggage and car, and headed to New Jersey. Something was very, very wrong with me. I pulled into a CVS and bought some snacks, a big bottle of water and a case of Airborne. And so my therapy went.

Now, of course, since I NEVER get sick, I wasn't about to let a tickle and a "slight" fever (I was sure) ruin my time in my favorite city. I went out to dinner with a friend, at a cute place called "Fred's", famous for dog pictures on the walls and their mac and cheese. I decided to try their mac and cheese. I chatted for a while but was dying of heat. Did they have the heat turned up all the way?? I was actually sweating and couldn't focus on the conversation! What was WRONG with ME!!!!

It didn't take long after that for me to crash and burn. I had to be 100% for my meeting the next day and for store events on Thursday. By Thursday morning, I could have passed out in bed and never known the difference. Everything hurt. I coughed and my head hurt, my back and my lungs. I could barely speak. But I trudged on.

That night, I was pounding the city streets looking for Nyquil and something to taste. I settled on chicken consumme and cheesecake, some Nyquil and ibuprofen (Nyquil+Ibuprofen on 5th Avenue = $26.48!). I laid in bed but everything haunted me. I tossed and turned and just ached and coughed.

By Friday morning, I called my boss practically in tears. I wanted to die, and I had to get on a plane!!!!

Fortunately, my dear friends Pat and Bill came to my rescue. They brought gas for my car that was parked (empty) at the airport in Columbus, helped with my luggage and drove me home, safe and sound. Thanks guys, I don't know what I would have done! I slept the whole flight and then some.

I went directly to the dr., who listened to my chest and sent me to bed. Apart from some working hours, I have slept and slept for the past 7 days. Did I mention my ear infection? Geez, didn't know you could get those as an adult.

Well, onward and upward. What is a person supposed to do but get healthy! Hopefully, I can now clean up some of the mess, try to unpack and return to whatever normal life is...

I hope you stay healthy, too!!!!


Blogger Bill said...

Sssooo....the rest of the story....glad we all made it through that! Wicked stuff indeed!

Sat Feb 16, 08:32:00 PM 2008  

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