Thursday, January 31, 2008


January is coming to a close...I thought it must be time to re-cap what has been going ON!!!

Somehow, January turned into - see-every-possible-friend-before-the-month-ends kinda deal. I don't know how, but it has been fun! I think I may have to stay home for a few days and just do menial chores, like laundry and dishes.

Nahhhh. This is way more exciting!

So, the rest of the posts work backwards. I recapped up to the 26th, going backwards in time so you don't miss a minute! On the 28th I saw my friend JC, who I also had not seen for a while. Above is a pic of her, a year ago almost exactly! She came over after work on Monday and we played a little bit of catch up.
So, since January was so crazy-busy...I wonder what February will bring???
Happy reading!


Blogger Bill said...

Well I took time this morning to pour over all the new pics and catch up on "The World According To..." You have been one Busy Blogin Babe!" .....not to mention busy connecting and reconnecting to create the shots themselves! Great job.

Sat Feb 02, 06:48:00 AM 2008  
Blogger Beth said...

Fun to catch up and get a glimpse into your life! Isn't it amazing how the internet has connected so many of us?

Have a great week!!!!!

Sun Feb 10, 10:35:00 PM 2008  

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