Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Trains, planes, and automobiles - in Polish

So, one last and final good-bye to Bartosz in the chilly air. It was, after all, the middle of the night. Practicing how to say the town we were going to (pronounced "Jeshuv), how to say "airport", and "taxi". Tired, but full of anticipation...

We were headed to a town about 4 hours away. From the train station we would have to get a taxi to the airport. No small feat when you don't speak the language - and nobody speaks yours.

I felt like an exchange student once again. But this time, I wasn't 18. Bartosz warned us of thieves on the train, of keeping warm, keeping to ourselves. Hmmm, didn't make for good thoughts of a nice long nap - but it reminded me of my 18 hour train trip in 3rd class seating in Chile when I was there. THAT was a learning experience! But my ticket was only $8. :)

So, I journaled. Watched out the window at the passing towns, wondering what must be going on there. What do people do for a living? Not that long ago, this country was under communist hold. How abundant everything must seem now!

Soon we arrived at the train station. We had about 4 hours. First things first though - we needed to use the restroom (since ahem, we didn't on the train!). What might seem like something simple...was simply not...the door was locked. So, we went to what we thought was the customer service center to explain our predicament and get a key.

I am not kidding when I say that NOBODY spoke English. We tried drawings, gestures, "sounds like", anything to communicate. Ouch. The harsh reality was - we just couldn't communicate!

Fortunately, we went back to check and the attendant had just not been there. We paid our little bathroom fee and went on our merry way to explore!

Ever wonder what it's like on a train at 4 am?? In the middle of Poland?? With all you own in a little suitcase???? And a bathroom that really DOES dump onto the train tracks???????????

Smart travelers! These were part of a group of guys on a "stag" weekend, completely unaware of the Pope's visit and Prohibition. They were part of our group that didn't make it out of Krakow.


Blogger Bill said...

Wish there was video footage of your gesturing/drawing to communicate "I have to use the rest room!" Love the 4 AM picture! The adventure continues.

Fri Sep 29, 07:39:00 AM 2006  

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