Sunday, March 23, 2008

10 Bits and pieces

Some noteable tidbits from our trip so far:

1) The guy playing percussion in the jazz band in Jackson Square was AWESOME. He was so artistic in his playing! It was like he was telling a story with the drumset each time he played. So, after my kid's coaxing, I got up to tell him how great he was and found out he was from DAYTON, OHIO!!! He was there with the band trying to find a gig. So THAT'S how these people end up entertaining on the street! Anyway, their jazzy sound made for the perfect setting on this bright afternoon!

2)Sometimes you get the sudden realization you are right where you are needed. We were enjoying the pool at our downtown hotel. There was a young mom with 2 little ones in the hottub. I was sitting next to it, watching my own kids swim. The mom got out of the hot tub and her little boy (2 or 3) was still playing in it. She had just gotten out when I saw him go underwater. At first I thought he was just playing but realized quickly he had panicked and fallen under again. I went running to grab him out and the mom turned around just in time to meet me at the hot tub's edge. Got my adrenaline going, that was for sure!

3)We met a girl who attends LSU (to Ian's disappointment). She told us about where she lives (near a swamp -they are used to alligators!) and how many of her friends were affected by Katrina. Many of them moved north but stayed within the state, and so attend the branch of LSU where she goes.

4)There are LSU shirts everywhere. Though I pointed out to Ian it would be like walking around Columbus, he couldn't believe people actually LIKED that team. LOL.

5)There was actually a couple getting married on the Natchez steamboat cruise we were on. Interesting. All I know is I happened to be walking to the outer deck behind the bride when the door slammed in her face. Um, that was her new HUSBAND who had just walked out and not held the door for his new BRIDE! She grumbled and said something to the effect - "Aw, see, now that he is my HUSBAND he is going to treat me like &%#@!

6)More people got off the streetcar at Harrah's casino than at any other stop we passed on any other streetcar stop we experienced.

7)The nice man who checked us in at this hotel upgraded our room. We are now oceanfront with our own whirlpool tub!

8)I am now officially a Hilton Honors GOLD member for the second time in my life!

9)Contrary to popular family belief, my mother did NOT "earn" beads during her visit to New Orleans when I was 5.

10)So, speaking of...apparently, I had been to New Orleans before. I went on 2 family vacations when I was a kid, both involving motor homes. The first trip in 1976 - we went south to Texas. I remember 3 things - a)Mammoth Cave and it was hot, b)a vague recollection of the Alamo in Texas and it was even hotter, and c)visiting someone in a big open field in Texas that had a wine glass in their hutch drawer that had fake wine in it that couldn't be spilled, and it was so hot it was cloudy every morning. Sorry, mom, I do not remember ever visiting the Big Easy.
10b)The other trip was in 1979 or 1980, also in a motor home, but to Arizona. More about that later...but I do distinctly remember turning green with motion sickness as my dad drove down a big canyon!


Blogger Bill said...

You always knew those "life saving" and CPR rescue classes would come in handy some day!

Wed Mar 26, 07:48:00 AM 2008  

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