Friday, October 06, 2006

We interrupt this regularly scheduled programming..

Okay, okay. I can't help it.

By now, on this day alone, I have been on a train, a plane, a bus, another plane, and in 2 train stations and 2 different airports and headed to my third country. ALL in ONE day. WHY would I be tired and giddy? And the day was only half over or so...

So, this was where my sense of humor just really kicked in. During all of these modes of transportation, I traded off browsing my pictures on my camera, reading my library books, and people and culture watching. Sometimes I talked with the person next to me to dig a little deeper. Sometimes I listened to the conversation in front of me. Many times I heard Jenny, getting to know her neighbors wherever she was located in the herd. :)

By now, I have stared at the RYANAIR seat in front of me, over and over. But only by this third RYANAIR flight, have I really started to look at what is in front of me. And I couldn't stop laughing. Take a look:

This is the safety card, usually in the pocket in front of you on US flights. Something most people never look at. Ryanair sticks it in front of your nose on the seat in front of you, against a bright yellow background. Oh - and no tray table, either. This is your view the whole flight.
Makes you want to just look away, doesn't it?
I took a closer look, and found it very interesting indeed -
Let's see, in an emergency landing, one must...
Remove their glasses? their teeth?
High-heeled shoes????

My heart is racing! How am I ever going to remember all this in a crash?

Oh, but here is the hardest part - remembering to hold my SKIRT down while going down the emergency chute!!! Notice the up-close version, instructing HOW to hold it down...

I just thought this was really really hilarious. Anyone who knows me can say I am laughing out loud right now just recounting it to share with you! :) Someone actually CREATED this. I bet they are pretty darn proud and probably even got a raise or a bonus for it. Then someone actually gave it a design number and revision, just in case it might get better...

I hope you find this as amusing as I did. Well, you probably won't, but it's making me laugh out loud just thinking that you might be reading it today and smiling!


Blogger Bill said...

I'm both reading and smiling! One of the things that makes me smile is pictureing you smiling. Your laugh is infectuous! Another thing I get a kick out of is pictureing you sitting there taking pictures of this and wondering what was going through the mind of the person in the next seat watching you do it!

Sat Oct 07, 09:15:00 AM 2006  

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