Sunday, June 25, 2006

Tintern Abby

And so the trip continued. From Bath, they took me to the ruins of Tintern Abby (left). This is a giant monastery on the edge of Wales.

Is Wales a country? I never got a perfectly straight answer. You don't have to use a passport from England to Wales. It's all part of either the United Kingdom or Great Britain. Either way, I think it was it's own country. I mean after all, Prince Charles is prince of this region, state, area, country, province...

Anyway, this would have been an incredible sight in its day, had King Henry VIII not gotten so upset. Turns out he ruined a bunch of really cool places, which remain in their state so tourists can pay to walk around and imagine what it must have really been like, and then buy a souvenir to prove they were there.

Me, I just took pictures.


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