Thursday, June 22, 2006

Bath, England

Bummer!!!! My entire posting from last night was lost in a computer freeze-up. So, I will begin again...

After the road to Bath was completed, we visited, well...the town of Bath. We started at the Royal Crescent. Now any of you who know me, knows that I am just not a history buff. I try really hard to remember the important what I had for dinner last night. Since I haven't been too successful with that, bear with me as I tell the tale of where we went and what we did. You history buffs out there (and you know who you are!), and those with time to surf the 'net, feel free to fill in the gaps with your comments!

So, back to the Royal Crescent. This building was amazing, and probably the best crescent I have ever seen (minus Pillsbury, that is!). There were some 5 star hotels inside of it, and I am not sure what else. It began to rain big drops, so we took big steps as we started our town tour. Note that we snuck into the "Royal Crescent Hotel", visited the garden in their courtyard...and alas, a black cat crossed our path. You also know that I am not superstitious, but I have added this in there for my mother, who is no doubt shaking her head, saying "tsk", and wondering what calamity is going to happen to me next.

Afterward, I, being on USA time, was hungry. I had my first and last English pub lunch, which in fact was pretty good, considering I had been warned that English food is generally bland and boring. Tasted pretty good to me! Justyn decides he is on a diet and doesn't eat, and Jenny pretends she is not hungry but manages a few snacks. I am happy with my full plate.

Tummy full and raindrops suspended for a moment, we ventured into the street. Jenny had to stop me from crossing. So ingrained to look for traffic the opposite direction! This was the first "grab my arm" scene!

We then experienced a bridge and waterway on the edge of town, and strolled past the Roman Bath, of which I got a picture postcard, and a few shots of the outside. We checked out a few shops and listened to the marimba players in between rain and sun. A church loomed over the plaza and its grand architecture really caught my attention in the sunlight stream.

And that, was Bath, England.

Since we were about 2 hours from Cardiff and Jenny's apartment at that point, we headed back. I had a couple of surprise stops along the way...stay tuned!


Blogger Bill said...

It sounds like you experienced several "baths" around Bath! Roman, Road to and Rain! Enjoy reading about your adventure.

Sat Jun 24, 10:33:00 AM 2006  

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