Saturday, November 24, 2007

The parade arrives after a long cold wait!

Wow, look what 2 years can do. !!
Ian hung in there with me, not crazy about having to wait. We shared bagels and hot chocolate to try to keep warm!
If this were today, I don't think my 13 year old would have gotten up that early!!

FINALLY, the parade arrives!
We had just heard that the wind had blown a balloon and it fell on someone in Times Square!

A pretty cool, long awaited scene!

This was a band from Hawaii. I thought, they must be FREEZING!
As it turned out, later the next day I took the kids down to Battery Park. When we got on the train to return to Penn Station, there was a group trying to figure out which stop to get off at, and looking at maps and such. I offered to help, and unbelievably, it was the band! So the kids and I got to ask them about their adventure, while helping them find their way around. They had traveled a long way and had a few extra days to tour the city. As they got off at their stop, they put shell leighs on Megan, Ian, and me!!! We still have them to this day.
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