Saturday, December 29, 2007

My BATTERY comes to a close...

I forgot to pack my extra battery today!

We ended up at the Getty museum in Santa Monica, really by accident. What an incredible place.
However, art to a 13 and 10 year old is not as interesting as the other attractions in California.
We saw a couple of photography exhibits, some famous paintings, sculptures and got to try our hand at drawing. I will have to take a photo of that special piece of art and show it to you later.
There was a medieval exhibit (from the Cleveland Museum of Art, of all things!) on display - there were some things from the 500's up to the 1600's, most revolving around Jesus and the early churches. Whoa, that is old.

We then got to meet up with my friend Jean. I met Jean when I worked at Longaberger. She worked in the same department and we grew close with our kids at similar ages. Her husband at the time sang in the entertainment department - "Gussie" is his name.

He decided to move his family to California to pursue a career in music. The move and other things took a toll, and they ended up divorced, about the same time I did. She and I stayed in touch though we didn't see each other for years.

She came through town just before I left Longaberger, and was able to reminisce a bit about life in the basket.
I called her when I knew we were going to California, to hopefully catch up once again.
To my surprise, she had moved to North Carolina in August!
I was sort of bummed, since she was only one of 2 people I knew in California!

She sent me a text message on Christmas day that she had decided to come back for a visit! So we got to meet up with her tonight for dinner and conversation, as much as you can with a noisy restaurant and 2 impatient kids.
It was great to see her, even though we both had to travel over 1000 miles to do so!

While sitting in traffic, what else to do than photograph signs of famous streets?

Arrival at the Getty museum. This taken BEFORE walking through the art galleries. :)

A billion dollars in construction, it is atop a hill in Santa Monica, overlooking the city.

A view from the deck - out toward the ocean, of course!
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Art!? We are so happy that you provided some culture for your children on this trip. And you tried your hand at Art? Hmmmm... can't wait to see that!
-- Steph and Jenn from Cocoa Beach :-P

Sat Dec 29, 09:56:00 PM 2007  

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