Friday, June 26, 2009


Wow, I am so overwhelmed writing this post!

I apologize that I can't upload pictures or video at this point. My internet connection at the hotel is just not holding up. Right now I am in the business center and of course can't access any of my personal stuff!

But YES, amidst other breaking news of Michael Jackson's death, Farah Fawcett's departure, and other sad news...we have breaking news of our own!!!!

This week we attended the YMCA gymnastics Nationals competition in Downingtown, PA. Wednesday was opening ceremonies, with Shannon Miller as a guest speaker, and then Megan competed on Thursday with her teammates. In all, 14 gymnasts from our county Y attended!!

For level 5, Junior level - Megan took the gold!!! She placed 1st all around with a high score of 35.05, her highest personal best EVER!!!!! She placed 2nd in Beam and Bars, but because of her consistently high scores, was able to take home the big one!

So happy to share our breaking news. Join me while we float on cloud 9!

Pictures and video to come next week. Until then - we are Liberty Bell, Princeton, and NYC bound!!!! See you all soon.


Blogger Bill said...

Wow...(Again!)..and a side trip to boot!! Enjoy yourselves!

Fri Jun 26, 10:28:00 PM 2009  

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