Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm baaaaaccckkkkk!!!!

Sorry for the delay!
Has life ever been B-U-S-Y!!!

Here is a quick re-cap.

September 11, flew to NYC. Reflected on 9/11 7 years ago while sitting in a 3-hour traffic jam to go 18 miles.
September 12 went to Princeton, NJ, and saw Megan's future college of choice.
September 13, got to experience something new in NYC (thanks Erica!) - a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Both are pictured below! AND, OSU got tromped on by USC. Wahhhh! Watched the game while unpacking.
September 14th, Hurricane Ike blew threw central Ohio (literally), knocking out power to 1 million+ for the better part of a week.
(Thankfully, we only lost it for one night!). Had small group at my house for home-made spahetti sauce and candlelight during.
September 15th, Megan didn't have school (no power) but Ian did. Try solving for THAT one! Took Megan to Susan's and she had a blast. Had to get things back in order that had blown around.
September 16th, Heath is back up and running. I noticed a slight dry patch in my throat as I did dishes and tried to catch up.
September 17th, sick with a full blown sinus infection. Went to the doctor and started an antibiotic. Worked from home.
September 18th, everything is a blur. I was still sick.
September 19th, I went to my first high school football game in many, many years. Ian played the trombone (pictured below) with the high school band. The game was like a reunion. Heath got tromped by Valley and my friend Cathy from Longaberger's son got hurt with a concussion. Bill and Casey and Phil and Margie and Jane and Jen (it was supposed to be my catch-up time with her!) and all of Megan's friends were there too.
September 20th, I spent the entire day getting things ready for the big kid's consignment sale. I worked until after midnight, Ian helping me while Megan spent the night at her friend Brooklyn's.
September 21st, I ran a 5k in honor of Jackie and to raise awareness about ovarian cancer. Afterward, had Sunday brunch (yes, in sweaty clothes! at the Polaris Grill (yum!). Saw Thelma and Louise, aka Joann and owner Mary, in her blue Thunderbird convertbile (pictured below.) After, I worked a 4 hour shift at the consignment sale and dropped off my stuff. In the meantime, Dave fixed the kid's computer, which had 2700 viruses (how DOES that happen!). But as a result, my internet connection is sporadic at best!
September 22nd, I worked late, picked up the girls at gymnastics, and due to their McDonald's request didn't arrive home until almost 10pm.
September 23rd. Wow, that is today, for 20 more minutes. Just finished making chili for the United Way chili cook-off tomorrow, and a raspberry cheesecake.

Okay...THAT was a LOT. Now you know.

September 25th: Going to Chicago.
September 26th: Going to Phoenix.
October 1st: Returning home.
October 3rd: In NY for the day.
October 4th? I think I might try to rest!!!

I promise to keep you POSTED!!!!

A beautiful shot of the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge

Erica, who graciously gave me tour of her part of town!

Ian playing his trombone on the field for a football audience for the first time!

Joann (left) and Mary (right)
Thelma and Louise??
"My Blu T" - how cute.
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Blogger Bill said...

Holy cow, girl....you're a whirling dervish! Great shots....especially of the bridge!

Wed Sep 24, 08:52:00 PM 2008  

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