Monday, July 28, 2008

Bee 2008

I have to give a quick explanation.
Every year, the Longaberger Company holds "The Bee", their sales convention for 2 weeks in downtown Columbus.
For those of you who have known me a long time, you know that was our annual ritual and a LOT of hard work. One of the years I was there, there were 16,000 sales associates that had descended upon us. While it was incredibly hard work (we planned, bought for, set up, sold and tore down a huge retail store), there was something amazing about being a part of something so big. I ran the jewelry and children's areas the last 5 years I was with the company.
And while the Bee in Columbus was 2 fun-filled weeks of really, really hard and back breaking work, it wasn't until about 2003 I really started to have fun with it.
Seeing people year after year, becoming like family with your friends and doing my favorite passion - merchandising - became highlights of the last 2 weeks of July every year.

This year I got to visit, and have some fun without all the back breaking work!

The crew got together and we headed out for a bite to eat.
Crossing High Street safely...:)

Brandi and Missy work in the warehouse. They had already been up at the convention center for a couple of days.

Jenny D was all full of smiles!

Now we got Brandi laughing!
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