Monday, May 19, 2008

Big changes at our house..

This is week number 2 of BIG CHANGES at our house.
It was time to become a little closer as a family.

I give my kids credit, they have always had some responsibilities to help around the house.
They empty the dishwasher, put away their clothes, maintain (um, mostly) their rooms clean, make their beds, and empty the trash.
They get $1 for every year old they are, every 2 weeks, if they complete their tasks without grumbling and complaining.

But I got to thinking...I am not doing them any favors by not teaching them the next steps and phases of being a grown up.
And, I don't have my garden helper this year (not sure what happened to him!).
It is time for the next level of responsibility on the road of life!

So...since "we are family" was time for everyone to take on some fun jobs!
Last week, Ian mowed the grass, Megan and I did the laundry, and I had kitchen duty.
This week, Megan has the mowing, Ian is the kitchen assistant, and I will do the laundry!
I wasn't sure how well miss Megan would do with the mower...but look at her go!!

A few "missed stripes", but not bad for her first try!

You go girl, I knew you could do it!
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Blogger Bill said...

Great next steps! More abult roles. Way to go KIDS and Mom.

Tue May 20, 10:03:00 PM 2008  

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